Stage review


Miss Nagamine, Who will perform her dance "Dojoji" on Friday at Avery Fisher Hall in New York, is one of the most remarkable dancers to appear in Japan in decades | a maverick with enormous energy. The opening steps of "Dojoji" choreographed by her as a solo, and set to a Kabuki score with 16 musicians and chorus People, are a deliberate attack on the Noh tradition.
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by Henry Scottstokes
iThe New York Times, Tuesday, May 18, 1982j

A childhood fascination with a doll in ared dress led this daughter of a samurai to the Spain of Franco and the rhythmic dynamism of flamenco dance.
Twenty years later, with her rendition of the classic Japanese drama Dojoji, Yasuko Ngamine stuns her audience with fiery modern ballet.

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by Alan Booth
(Part of the August 1981 issue of PHP International Edition)